West of Downtown East Safe House (Close to the control point on 14th St NW) - 3 keys.West of Viewpoint Museum Main mission (Close to Pennsylvania Ave NW) - 2 keys.East of Southwest Safe House (3rd St SW) - 1 key located in a large room.North of Air and Space Mission (7th St SW) - 1 key.West of American History (Madison Dr NW) - 2 keys.South-east of Washington Monument (Jefferson Dr SW) - 2 keys.

But how do you get it? These legendary guns are hard to come by and might not seem like much at first, but with proper care and use they are easily some of the very best death-dealing machines in the game. New weapons were bound to come into The Division 2 eventually and one of the best, if most elusive has to be the Nemesis Sniper Rifle.